Medical Marijuana Offers Mild Relief for Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms and Is Safe—Mostly
Fallik, Dawn
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ActiveMSers started a topic Effects of baclofen, THC:CBD on spasticity-related walking impairments in MSin GeneralEffects of baclofen, THC:CBD on spasticity-related walking impairments in MS
Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics
A review of the effects of baclofen and of THC:CBD oromucosal spray on spasticity-related...
Latest marijuana and MS published research
A few studies were released at the just-completed ECTRIMS conference. - D
Effect of THC/CBD oromucosal spray on spasticity in MS: an open...
ActiveMSers started a topic STUDY: Does cannibis provide neuroprotection in MS and slow progression? GeneralSTUDY: Does cannibis provide neuroprotection in MS and slow progression? Whoa...
Neuroprotection in Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis and Progressive Multiple Sclerosis by Cannabis-Based Cannabinoids
Gareth Pryce,...
ActiveMSers started a topic AAN releases new CAM guidelines on MS; marijuana beneficial, other remedies failin GeneralAAN releases new CAM guidelines on MS; marijuana beneficial, other remedies fail
This is bound to shake things up in the field of complimentary alternative medicine (CAM). The American Academy of Neurology has just released new guidelines...
Medical Cannabis?
Hi, I am not sure if there are any sensitivities to posting this subject, but I'll give it a shot anyway... Has anyone been using medical cannabis to...
ActiveMSers started a topic UPDATE: Reduce spasticity one puff at a time? New research confirms weed benefitin GeneralUPDATE: Reduce spasticity one puff at a time? New research confirms weed benefit
The LA Times, US News & World Report, and other major publications are reporting on a recent marijuana study that shows potential benefits related...