Hey gang, the City of Albuquerque has openings on two important committees that could shape the future for the disabled community in the city. I would volunteer for either one, but time is just too scarce at the moment. If you are interested, fantastic. If you know of someone who may be interested, fantastic (please forward!). And for those who volunteer, you are heroes to the rest of us. - D
Americans with Disabilities Act Advisory Council
The mission of the ADA Advisory Council is to support the civil rights of, and full integration into, Albuquerque community life for all people with disabilities.
The ADA Advisory Council shall:
1. Advise the Mayor and City Council on issues affecting people with disabilities.
2. Provide a public forum to identify, discuss, and address issues relevant to people with disabilities.
3. Report on accessibility problems around the City.
4. Provide information to the city's ADA Coordinator about disability concerns expressed by the public.
5. Provide information, educational opportunities and networking opportunities to all citizens with disabilities.
6. Establish criteria for prioritizing the remedial steps to address access needs within the community.
7. Develop operating procedures for the ADA Council.
8. Review City government program services and activity access for physical, sensory, or other impediments.
9. Review City codes with the City's Office of Diversity & Human Rights relating to disability rights and access.
10. Make recommendations to the Mayor and City Council regarding a community transition plan that addresses: barriers (non-structural) to city programs, services and activities and barriers (structural) to city facilities including parks and trails.
1. The ADA Council shall be comprised of 10 members, at least six of whom shall be individuals with disabilities who represent the six major life functions identified in the Americans with Disabilities Act.
2. ADA Council members shall serve without compensation.
3. The ADA Council shall select, by majority vote, two of the appointees as the chairperson and vice-chairperson of the Council.
Current Membership
Visually Impairments Mrs. Peggy L Chong
Hearing Impairments Ms. Lisa A. Mcniven
Speech Impairments Vacant
Mobility Impairments Mr. Travis Davis
Cognitive Disabilities Vacant
Mobility Impairments Mrs. Karen J Cushnyr
Mobility Impairments Ms. Terri Ohare
Representative Vacant
Representative Vacant
The Greater Albuquerque Recreational Trails Committee (GARTC) was formed by City Ordinance in 1990 to help develop and advise the promotion of a recreational trails plan. By 1993, GARTC had been influential in helping to create the currently adopted and reigning Trails and Bikeways Facility Plan.
GARTC consists of eight citizen members. These include one member for each of the following categories: equestrians, physically challenged, pedestrians and hikers, off road mountain bicyclists, active elderly, runners and joggers, one east at large, and one west at large member. The east and west members reside on either side of the Rio Grande, respectively.
GARTC's role is to support, encourage, and advise local, state, and federal agencies to set priorities to optimize the use of appropriated funding for the purpose of developing new, while maintaining and renovating older, trail networks throughout the greater Albuquerque Metropolitan region.
These networks of local and regional trails are a great opportunity to link parks, Major Public Open Space, National Park System trails, United States Forest Service areas and trails, and neighborhoods providing an alternative to auto transportation while encouraging recreation.
Other important roles for GARTC are to review plans and projects that will impact trails and provide comments from the users' point of view, encourage governmental entities to acquire and utilize right-of-way, and a major portion of GARTC's work should focus on helping to update and fulfill the Trails and Bikeways Facility Plan update.
As an advisory committee, GARTC also advises the Environmental Planning Commission, the Bernalillo County Planning Commission, the City of Albuquerque, the County, the Urban Transportation Planning Policy Board and other governmental entities concerning plans, programs, and standards for recreational trails that are predominantly off-street facilities but which may cross, parallel or share street right-of-way for limited lengths. For more information on GARTC's role, please review the ordinance.
Advisory Members
•Off Road Bicyclists: Warren Wild
•Runners and joggers: Vacant
•Pedestrians and hikers: Ian Maddieson
•East At-Large Representative: Vacant
•West At-Large Representative: Tyler Ashton
•Physically Challenged: Vacant
•Active Elderly: Kathleen Rhoad
•Equestrians: Valerie Cole
Full details: https://www.cabq.gov/parksandrecreat...ails-committee
Americans with Disabilities Act Advisory Council
The mission of the ADA Advisory Council is to support the civil rights of, and full integration into, Albuquerque community life for all people with disabilities.
The ADA Advisory Council shall:
1. Advise the Mayor and City Council on issues affecting people with disabilities.
2. Provide a public forum to identify, discuss, and address issues relevant to people with disabilities.
3. Report on accessibility problems around the City.
4. Provide information to the city's ADA Coordinator about disability concerns expressed by the public.
5. Provide information, educational opportunities and networking opportunities to all citizens with disabilities.
6. Establish criteria for prioritizing the remedial steps to address access needs within the community.
7. Develop operating procedures for the ADA Council.
8. Review City government program services and activity access for physical, sensory, or other impediments.
9. Review City codes with the City's Office of Diversity & Human Rights relating to disability rights and access.
10. Make recommendations to the Mayor and City Council regarding a community transition plan that addresses: barriers (non-structural) to city programs, services and activities and barriers (structural) to city facilities including parks and trails.
1. The ADA Council shall be comprised of 10 members, at least six of whom shall be individuals with disabilities who represent the six major life functions identified in the Americans with Disabilities Act.
2. ADA Council members shall serve without compensation.
3. The ADA Council shall select, by majority vote, two of the appointees as the chairperson and vice-chairperson of the Council.
Current Membership
Visually Impairments Mrs. Peggy L Chong
Hearing Impairments Ms. Lisa A. Mcniven
Speech Impairments Vacant
Mobility Impairments Mr. Travis Davis
Cognitive Disabilities Vacant
Mobility Impairments Mrs. Karen J Cushnyr
Mobility Impairments Ms. Terri Ohare
Representative Vacant
Representative Vacant
The Greater Albuquerque Recreational Trails Committee (GARTC) was formed by City Ordinance in 1990 to help develop and advise the promotion of a recreational trails plan. By 1993, GARTC had been influential in helping to create the currently adopted and reigning Trails and Bikeways Facility Plan.
GARTC consists of eight citizen members. These include one member for each of the following categories: equestrians, physically challenged, pedestrians and hikers, off road mountain bicyclists, active elderly, runners and joggers, one east at large, and one west at large member. The east and west members reside on either side of the Rio Grande, respectively.
GARTC's role is to support, encourage, and advise local, state, and federal agencies to set priorities to optimize the use of appropriated funding for the purpose of developing new, while maintaining and renovating older, trail networks throughout the greater Albuquerque Metropolitan region.
These networks of local and regional trails are a great opportunity to link parks, Major Public Open Space, National Park System trails, United States Forest Service areas and trails, and neighborhoods providing an alternative to auto transportation while encouraging recreation.
Other important roles for GARTC are to review plans and projects that will impact trails and provide comments from the users' point of view, encourage governmental entities to acquire and utilize right-of-way, and a major portion of GARTC's work should focus on helping to update and fulfill the Trails and Bikeways Facility Plan update.
As an advisory committee, GARTC also advises the Environmental Planning Commission, the Bernalillo County Planning Commission, the City of Albuquerque, the County, the Urban Transportation Planning Policy Board and other governmental entities concerning plans, programs, and standards for recreational trails that are predominantly off-street facilities but which may cross, parallel or share street right-of-way for limited lengths. For more information on GARTC's role, please review the ordinance.
Advisory Members
•Off Road Bicyclists: Warren Wild
•Runners and joggers: Vacant
•Pedestrians and hikers: Ian Maddieson
•East At-Large Representative: Vacant
•West At-Large Representative: Tyler Ashton
•Physically Challenged: Vacant
•Active Elderly: Kathleen Rhoad
•Equestrians: Valerie Cole
Full details: https://www.cabq.gov/parksandrecreat...ails-committee