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MS Society Chief Research Officer's HSCT Opinions (article on PA woman off to Russia)

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  • MS Society Chief Research Officer's HSCT Opinions (article on PA woman off to Russia)

    This came out yesterday. Best of luck, Brooke! - Dave

    To Russia with faith; New Enterprise woman seeks medical procedure abroad with hopes it will halt her multiple sclerosis

    March 3, 2013
    By Amanda Gabeletto, The Altoona Mirror

    NEW ENTERPRISE - Brooke Slick loves a project. Her latest one just happens to hold her life in its balance.

    Hanging on the living room wall inside the New Enterprise home she shares with her husband, Doug, is a prayer reading, "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference."

    In 2006, Slick was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Others might take such a diagnosis as a reason to call on serenity and acceptance. Slick is calling on courage.

    Dave Bexfield

  • #2
    Interesting response from the NMSS's chief medical research Dr. Although I understand the caution, I guess I would have expected something a little more positive considering the Society's vision of "A World Free of MS".

