Managing MS
A Roadmap to Navigate Multiple Sclerosis

It’s done! The second edition of my book Managing MS is out, and I would love for you to read it. This edition is updated and enhanced—it’s amazing how much has changed and happened in ten years.

As in the past, my mission is to continue educating anyone dealing with MS in an easy, uncomplicated way. In addition to the apparent walking difficulties associated with MS, most people aren’t aware of the numerous invisible symptoms and stigmas that are part of the disorder. “What to know, what to do”, is all in one place.

This second edition has more information, resources and links for readers to reference throughout the book. People acquainted with an MSer will learn how to help them. Read what my friend Dave Bexfield, founder of has to say:

“Debbie Petrina has managed to improve her no-nonsense, been-there-done-that guide to navigating the often, choppy waters of multiple sclerosis. For personal advice without the unnecessary puffery, it’s just what the doc ordered.

If interested in a copy, here’s the link: If you like it, please write a review on Amazon. or wherever you bought it. And then, spread the word to help others understand multiple sclerosis!
Author/MS Consultant/Living with MS