A big hello to everyone from Arizona! It's that time again to look back and see what we've accomplished this month. I'm going to say right off the bat that this month was a challenging one for me.
(1) Went downtown and checked out the Willo District Home Tour. The Willo District is an historic district in Phoenix. I was looking forward to this, but much to my dismay I underestimated the amount of walking and standing involved. Didn't get to see as much as I would have liked as it simply taxed my reserves too much. I really need to find a way to get some trekking poles.
(2) Went to the Matsuri Festival with a bunch of friends I train with. I had a blast! There were plenty of opportunities to take a break, sit down, and check out a demo or simply people watch checking out all the cos-play costumes.
(1) Still training in Okinawan Kenpo twice a week. I can honestly say I have come to an acceptance regarding what I am capable of doing when it comes to being in the studio. I have great training partners that I have known for many years to thank for helping find that place in my mind.
(2) As for exercising my mind, I'm still playing Words with Friends and Scramble everyday. I am also trying harder to get one good book in every week.
Challenges: I mentioned I had several challenges this month. Well, here they are:
(1) Had to call off from work for the first time since my original major episode. I didn't have another episode, but I did overdue it one weekend - that on top of taking my meds (Avonex) on Sunday night resulted in me being very ill Monday morning. Once I called in, I went back to sleep and slept until 11:30 AM, which never happens.
(2) Went for my annual mammogram with not so awesome results. Doc scheduled a biopsy. Yeah, the stress and the biopsy itself - can you say exacerbate your symptoms? Fortunately the unidentified mass turned out to just be a cyst.
(3) My gyn also decided he wanted to check up on some ovarian cysts I had in the past (lucky me). That entails having two ultra sounds in four weeks, seeing as the first one was not awesome. Yeah, go ahead, drink 42 ounces of water and hold it in for an hour and a half and then have someone press all over your bladder. Did I mention I have MS? Can you say fastest straight shot to the bathroom afterwards? Fortunately the second one turned out good enough to avoid surgery.
Well, that was my month - the good, the bad, and the ugly. In the end, I guess it was ok month. I won't object if next month is a little less stressful. What have you all been up to? Come on, share.
(1) Went downtown and checked out the Willo District Home Tour. The Willo District is an historic district in Phoenix. I was looking forward to this, but much to my dismay I underestimated the amount of walking and standing involved. Didn't get to see as much as I would have liked as it simply taxed my reserves too much. I really need to find a way to get some trekking poles.
(2) Went to the Matsuri Festival with a bunch of friends I train with. I had a blast! There were plenty of opportunities to take a break, sit down, and check out a demo or simply people watch checking out all the cos-play costumes.
(1) Still training in Okinawan Kenpo twice a week. I can honestly say I have come to an acceptance regarding what I am capable of doing when it comes to being in the studio. I have great training partners that I have known for many years to thank for helping find that place in my mind.
(2) As for exercising my mind, I'm still playing Words with Friends and Scramble everyday. I am also trying harder to get one good book in every week.
Challenges: I mentioned I had several challenges this month. Well, here they are:
(1) Had to call off from work for the first time since my original major episode. I didn't have another episode, but I did overdue it one weekend - that on top of taking my meds (Avonex) on Sunday night resulted in me being very ill Monday morning. Once I called in, I went back to sleep and slept until 11:30 AM, which never happens.
(2) Went for my annual mammogram with not so awesome results. Doc scheduled a biopsy. Yeah, the stress and the biopsy itself - can you say exacerbate your symptoms? Fortunately the unidentified mass turned out to just be a cyst.
(3) My gyn also decided he wanted to check up on some ovarian cysts I had in the past (lucky me). That entails having two ultra sounds in four weeks, seeing as the first one was not awesome. Yeah, go ahead, drink 42 ounces of water and hold it in for an hour and a half and then have someone press all over your bladder. Did I mention I have MS? Can you say fastest straight shot to the bathroom afterwards? Fortunately the second one turned out good enough to avoid surgery.
Well, that was my month - the good, the bad, and the ugly. In the end, I guess it was ok month. I won't object if next month is a little less stressful. What have you all been up to? Come on, share.