I am newly diagnosed with MS. My symptoms started in January which sent me to a neurologist. I started of a little numb in the face and then my entire left side if my body. It got better and then last month I went to Mexicoabd when I got home it got worse. And keeps getting worse. It has effected my vision, my speech, my balance. At one point I lost all feeling in my left hand. I am weak my head is always fuzzy. They tried steroid pill form and it did nothing. They then sent me 3 days for outpation infusion. Helped for a day and then got worse. They sent me 2 more days and nothing. They just put me in the hospital for 5 days of IGG and yesterday the day being discharged I felt great. No numbness or weakness. I woke up today and as the day is going on I keep getting worse. Why are these treatments not working? What else is left that they can do? This seemed like it when they were talking to me last week. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
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Steroids and IGG, neither worked
Kristina, sorry to hear about your recent MS diagnosis. Sounds like you are in a doozy of a relapse, and many of us have been there (sucks big time). That said, this is more of a medical question for your doctor/neurologist, ideally one who specializes in MS. Folks on this board hesitate to doll out medical advice all willy nilly, which is one of the reasons it's one of the more grounded sites on MS on the internet. Good to have you aboard.Dave Bexfield
Thank you Dave. I went to see my Neurologist yesterday and they explained that the infusions were just to stop my symptoms from getting worse but the episode still has to run it's course. I am starting Copaxone this week so I hope that helps against future events. Being newly diagnosed I have so many questions. But thank you for responding.
Hope you're feeling better! Your relapse will eventually fade - just be patient.
Like Dave said, your doc is the right place for advice, but I'd question if Copaxone (a pretty old drug) is the best answer out there for you - I'd suggest getting a second opinion and consider some of the more modern oral drugs out there. My first Neuro wanted me on Betaseron, I went for a second opinion at a MS specialist and settled on Tecfidera - considering the side effects and the lifestyle modification required for an injectable, it was a no-brainer. I know the only thing on your mind right now is getting on treatment so you feel like you're 'doing something', but have some patience and make the decision that is best for you. Like my Doc said to me - this disease is a marathon, not a sprint.