Hello from Arizona. I am currently a kindergarten teacher. I have also taught children with special needs. My neurologist has written 'assumptive MS' in my chart. The neurologist, rheumatologist, and nurse practitioner all say it is MS but they have to wait for another flare before they can call it MS. At this time the brain MRI does not show lesions. The neurologist plans to scan more than just the brain during the next flare. It is a little frustrating for me because I have been having flares for over 10 years now but since the neurologist and rheumatologist have only seen me a few months they can't diagnose anything yet. I thought this was a very long flare but was told this is my new baseline. Yuck.
I am using a cane to walk due to 'wonky' (love the word) legs and dizziness. When I talk I may or may not be aware a wrong word came out. I struggle to find the words I want to say. Not good for a teacher.
The rheumatologist said if the gabapentin decreases the pain he can diagnose fibromyalgia. That at least will help me when I apply for disability the last month of school in May. We will have to sell our horses to make ends meet. My husband will make $550 a month after he pays for my health insurance. We are praying for a miracle for disability to go through quickly. We have a good savings and the house is paid off but it will go quick.
That's the bad. The good is my daughter and son-in-law moved in a few months ago before my body really gave in. They have been a tremendous help and surprisingly we all get along very well. My husband of 30 years is extremely supportive willing to do anything he can to help me. When I asked if I should spend the money on a good set of Leki trekking poles when our income will decrease dramatically in a couple of months, he didn't hesitate to say yes. The cane just isn't enough when the dizziness get really bad. (It was bad before the meds which made it worse.) The dogs sense something is wrong and cuddling an extra lot which helps ease the pain somewhat. Once FMLA reduced my work week, the pressure is off at work. I admitted I have not been teaching well this year. Despite that, 3/4 of my little ones are reading.
I have a close friend with MS that has been telling me for years I have MS. She has been helpful loaning books and pressing me to be more active when I have been afraid to the past couple of months. I looked up exercises for MS and what did I find? ActiveMSers!!! I have started water walking in the pool and doing Callenetics DVD which combines yoga, pilates, and stretching on my days off work. I love to walk so will start doing that again when the trekking poles are delivered.
I'm looking forward to getting to know some people on here.
I am using a cane to walk due to 'wonky' (love the word) legs and dizziness. When I talk I may or may not be aware a wrong word came out. I struggle to find the words I want to say. Not good for a teacher.
The rheumatologist said if the gabapentin decreases the pain he can diagnose fibromyalgia. That at least will help me when I apply for disability the last month of school in May. We will have to sell our horses to make ends meet. My husband will make $550 a month after he pays for my health insurance. We are praying for a miracle for disability to go through quickly. We have a good savings and the house is paid off but it will go quick.
That's the bad. The good is my daughter and son-in-law moved in a few months ago before my body really gave in. They have been a tremendous help and surprisingly we all get along very well. My husband of 30 years is extremely supportive willing to do anything he can to help me. When I asked if I should spend the money on a good set of Leki trekking poles when our income will decrease dramatically in a couple of months, he didn't hesitate to say yes. The cane just isn't enough when the dizziness get really bad. (It was bad before the meds which made it worse.) The dogs sense something is wrong and cuddling an extra lot which helps ease the pain somewhat. Once FMLA reduced my work week, the pressure is off at work. I admitted I have not been teaching well this year. Despite that, 3/4 of my little ones are reading.

I have a close friend with MS that has been telling me for years I have MS. She has been helpful loaning books and pressing me to be more active when I have been afraid to the past couple of months. I looked up exercises for MS and what did I find? ActiveMSers!!! I have started water walking in the pool and doing Callenetics DVD which combines yoga, pilates, and stretching on my days off work. I love to walk so will start doing that again when the trekking poles are delivered.
I'm looking forward to getting to know some people on here.
