I finally got a trike, its not the recumbent I want (too pricey!) but an upright. Its a beast with a steel frame! My boyfriend has a heck of a time hauling it down and up the stairs to our apartment Lol! We went on a ride on Tuesday, the first time I've been on a bike of any sort in about 7 years! I am horribly out of shape. I think I did well though, we rode about a mile and 1/2. The only problem was when I start going at a good clip my foot would slide off the pedal, so my solution? I'm getting the clip pedals with the shoes that clip onto them (not the toe strap) I am also getting AFO's which I'm hoping will help with the twisting my foot does, stupid drop foot
But I am super excited that I finally have a bike! Though not as cool as my boyfriends bikes, he has a road bike and a mountain bike, its stil cool to me!
