A mathematical modeling combination of the good old EDSS, Scripps neurological rate scale, 25 foot walk and 9 hole peg test out performed all other biomarkers - including MRI.
So, measure out a 25 foot walk and time yourself on it say once a month. Time yourself utilizing a $50 9 hole peg test (see link below). Use some reasonable deduction and self assess where you are at with EDSS or Scipps. And you can best a $2M 3T MRI as far as measuring your MS status. Keep all of that info on a spreadsheet, and your neuro will be super-impressed at your next visit
9 hole peg test :
A mathematical modeling combination of the good old EDSS, Scripps neurological rate scale, 25 foot walk and 9 hole peg test out performed all other biomarkers - including MRI.
So, measure out a 25 foot walk and time yourself on it say once a month. Time yourself utilizing a $50 9 hole peg test (see link below). Use some reasonable deduction and self assess where you are at with EDSS or Scipps. And you can best a $2M 3T MRI as far as measuring your MS status. Keep all of that info on a spreadsheet, and your neuro will be super-impressed at your next visit

9 hole peg test :