EYES WIDE OPEN ---EARS SHUT ....I don't know about you all, but I'm sick of politics, I am sick of hearing about law makers. Our country's serious problems, health care costs and administration...blah blah blah, I'm sick already, I don't need all this extra stress, I've just shut out a lot of the noise.
BUT in the drone of congress this week, a bill has started its journey to becoming law... The bill will in essence allow employers to require genetic testing as part of a wellness program.
Yesterday, March 10th, CNBC reporter Dan Mangan reported, a new
"bill, ....if passed into law, would make it clear that employers who offered wellness programs, and require genetic testing as part of them, can legally charge workers who refuse the tests a higher price for health insurance than workers who accept the test." This is because " The Affordable Care Act allows employers to charge workers at least 30 percent, and up to 50 percent, more for job-based health insurance if employees choose not to participate in a wellness program..... In particular, privacy and other protections for genetic and health information in [the law] and the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act 'would be pretty much eviscerated'” .
Link to CNBC article https://www.yahoo.com/news/boss-coul...181315184.html
Whoa, what, really??? So I found the March 7, 2017, letter to members of the House from Nancy Cox, the President of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG). The letter states:
"[We wish] to communicate ... opposition to H.R.1313, the Preserving Employee Wellness Programs Act. If enacted, this legislation would undermine fundamentally the privacy provisions of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). It would allow employers to ask employees invasive questions about their and their families’ health, as well as genetic tests they and their families have undergone. It would further allow employers to impose stiff financial penalties on employees who choose to keep such information private, thus empowering employers to coerce their employees into providing their health and genetic information."
Link to ASHG Letter http://www.ashg.org/policy/pdf/HR1313_letter_030717.pdf
Holy cow. It boggles my mind to think about the consequences of such a genetic testing law to those living with MS but are still working or are seeking reemployment.
BUT in the drone of congress this week, a bill has started its journey to becoming law... The bill will in essence allow employers to require genetic testing as part of a wellness program.
Yesterday, March 10th, CNBC reporter Dan Mangan reported, a new
"bill, ....if passed into law, would make it clear that employers who offered wellness programs, and require genetic testing as part of them, can legally charge workers who refuse the tests a higher price for health insurance than workers who accept the test." This is because " The Affordable Care Act allows employers to charge workers at least 30 percent, and up to 50 percent, more for job-based health insurance if employees choose not to participate in a wellness program..... In particular, privacy and other protections for genetic and health information in [the law] and the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act 'would be pretty much eviscerated'” .
Link to CNBC article https://www.yahoo.com/news/boss-coul...181315184.html
Whoa, what, really??? So I found the March 7, 2017, letter to members of the House from Nancy Cox, the President of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG). The letter states:
"[We wish] to communicate ... opposition to H.R.1313, the Preserving Employee Wellness Programs Act. If enacted, this legislation would undermine fundamentally the privacy provisions of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). It would allow employers to ask employees invasive questions about their and their families’ health, as well as genetic tests they and their families have undergone. It would further allow employers to impose stiff financial penalties on employees who choose to keep such information private, thus empowering employers to coerce their employees into providing their health and genetic information."
Link to ASHG Letter http://www.ashg.org/policy/pdf/HR1313_letter_030717.pdf
Holy cow. It boggles my mind to think about the consequences of such a genetic testing law to those living with MS but are still working or are seeking reemployment.