I got mine last week after shilly-shallying about it since March. I haven't used it yet. I have *very* mixed feelings about using it! I do plan on using it only when I really really need it - more for my own emotional comfort than anything else.
But remembering the times when I really could have used it, but didn't have it, is what spurred me to get it. We all know those times when it's just not possible to take even 10 extra steps.
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Did I lie to get my handicap parking placard?
I got mine. I try to only use it during the summer (I live in Fl) when it is sooo hot the ANY extra time outside may make me fall over and die! But that doesn't mean I'm not above using it during the X-mad rush
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I'm about to fill that application out. My neuro yelled at me when she heard I didn't have the placard (you would think she would be happy I'm pushing myself to walk the extra distance) But I am going to cave and get the placard, my SO tells me that I should reap all the benefits of being "disabled" as I can lol He gets jealous of the so called perks, rides between terminals at the airport, rockstar parking, sool scooters. Its amusing
But I agree, the system is being seriously abused. Teenagers taking their parents/grandparents placards etc. I found out though that unless it is government or public property the police can't do anything about missuse of the handicap spot unless the person is standing right there with the owner of the spot (store manager etc)
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Did I lie to get my handicap parking placard?
The topic of my latest blog is one many of us are familiar with (and sometimes struggle with)....
http://00634ca.netsolhost.com/blog/?p=57Tags: None
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