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Finally found my activity
Hi. I am new. I know exactly what you are talking about. That is wonderful that you can do the swimming. I want to get stronger and be active but I haven't found anyone who can strategize with me on how to get an active lifestyle with my MS symptoms. i found it is trial and error and staying in gratitude for the abilities I have. My endurance is low and I can't do the types of activities I did before ms. But Here is what I have been able to do: TRX classes, which are great to build strength and flexibility even if balance is off; an elliptical or treadmill with Computer screen set up to do 30-60 sec intervals of Bursts of exercise, which allows recovery time; going to a yoga class with a plan ahead of time to modify challenging moves to warrior or child pose ; classes at Gym modifying any challenging move and talking to instructor ahead of time. I also just started doing a jillian Michaels dvd, which is 20 min long. I like it because I can control the temperature in the room and modify moves or take a break if needed. I would love to hear other ideas that fellow activemsers have employed to increase endurance for exercise.
Hi Becky -- Im actually waiting fot the pool water to warm up enough here to go for it as well. Ive found that weightlessness is wonderful. Feels so safe and fluid and if I get tired - I just 'relax in the pool'! You got me thinking - wonder if there is a dive skin or full body suit that keeps you warm without bing impossible to put on (hell pantyhose has become a Chaplin comedy routine)/ Write me any time - Im new and am so glad to be here!
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Congratulations Becky! That is so great to hear. Now can you send some of your energy my way? I'd like to find something too that works for me without tiring me out so much. I'm going to be starting another round of PT this next week for better balance and some strengthening exercises. Ugh...can't you tell I'm excited?Congrats again and let us know how it continues to go for you!
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Finally found my activity
I haven't been on this site for a while because I would see all the activities everyone was doing and felt bad that it seemed like I couldn't do anything. Well I am excited to say that I have found my activity that actually works for me and has helped my core strength and it is water therapy. I have been going 2 times a week for 50 minutes unless my MS is acting up. I know it isn't much but for me it makes me feel like I have finally found something I can do to make things better and also now I feel a part of "active" MSers. :Tags: None
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