Hi Im Debra (ibartist) diagnosed this Oct.
Hope Im posting correctly
Wanted to throw this one stream of consciousness/situation out there among the myriad of other stuff we all have at our own random levels of ickiness.... hope you this stream to make some sense...
Since I was 16... Im 47 now, I had always had problems with digestion. So im not surprised MS is messing with my Vegus nerve etc --
Ive been gluten free for over 20 years - eat no fried anything, sugar drinks, bad fats- and for protein I eat mostly fish and legumes. Perfect BP,blood levels etc -- always.
I was an avid runner, 6 day a week tennis nut and quite savvy with traveling the world alone (work), skiing, motorcycle, spelunking.,, well I have always been pretty capable and took care of self
Last year the symptoms started to ramp up (ironic note: as I see so many that are couch potatoes, smoke like crazy and only eat McDonalds and drink Cola all day - ohhh they are fine,,, its me, miss 'takes her vitamins' etc - that has all the issues) but I digress,,,,
so heres one chain in the many that make the randomness of MS so maddening.
- I was admitted for paralytic ilius, two years ago then last year admitted for chest compression an food would not stay down, THis year admitted for gastropariesis in the extreme no food or water would digest - no bile no activity whatsoever so had a balloon endoscopy.
Then>>> Two weeks later - a follow up colonsocopy became major emergency surgery due to a puncture during procedure - . And because of the MS mix --- im put back so far from where I was starting to intake foods exercise, stretch, learn how to move --
Big Question - How do we all not just go looney!? From the outside, I look great (which is always the first comment " (but you look so good") - mostly im able to laugh with it and poke fun at self and make jokes about my cane --
But there are times when I feel like it just too much - no break to try to figure out how to come to terms - because it seems non stop new issues
Sometimes the small things too - like putting on a shoe with internal stiches are more frustrating and frightening than the big symptoms and flare ups --
Sorry so long -- but what do we all do aside from laughing off this stuff -- cause there are times - i just get too worn out to chuckle - and I feel Im being pulled to the dark side. Meidtation, breathing - do help - but Im breathing more and more like the Sith -- not cool.
well at least after my Spinal Tap -- I can honestly say - "I go to 11"
Hey cheers to you all ---
Hope Im posting correctly

Wanted to throw this one stream of consciousness/situation out there among the myriad of other stuff we all have at our own random levels of ickiness.... hope you this stream to make some sense...
Since I was 16... Im 47 now, I had always had problems with digestion. So im not surprised MS is messing with my Vegus nerve etc --
Ive been gluten free for over 20 years - eat no fried anything, sugar drinks, bad fats- and for protein I eat mostly fish and legumes. Perfect BP,blood levels etc -- always.
I was an avid runner, 6 day a week tennis nut and quite savvy with traveling the world alone (work), skiing, motorcycle, spelunking.,, well I have always been pretty capable and took care of self
Last year the symptoms started to ramp up (ironic note: as I see so many that are couch potatoes, smoke like crazy and only eat McDonalds and drink Cola all day - ohhh they are fine,,, its me, miss 'takes her vitamins' etc - that has all the issues) but I digress,,,,
so heres one chain in the many that make the randomness of MS so maddening.
- I was admitted for paralytic ilius, two years ago then last year admitted for chest compression an food would not stay down, THis year admitted for gastropariesis in the extreme no food or water would digest - no bile no activity whatsoever so had a balloon endoscopy.
Then>>> Two weeks later - a follow up colonsocopy became major emergency surgery due to a puncture during procedure - . And because of the MS mix --- im put back so far from where I was starting to intake foods exercise, stretch, learn how to move --
Big Question - How do we all not just go looney!? From the outside, I look great (which is always the first comment " (but you look so good") - mostly im able to laugh with it and poke fun at self and make jokes about my cane --
But there are times when I feel like it just too much - no break to try to figure out how to come to terms - because it seems non stop new issues
Sometimes the small things too - like putting on a shoe with internal stiches are more frustrating and frightening than the big symptoms and flare ups --
Sorry so long -- but what do we all do aside from laughing off this stuff -- cause there are times - i just get too worn out to chuckle - and I feel Im being pulled to the dark side. Meidtation, breathing - do help - but Im breathing more and more like the Sith -- not cool.
well at least after my Spinal Tap -- I can honestly say - "I go to 11"
Hey cheers to you all ---