Although I am not as active as a lot of you are I still try my best to do as much as I can. I do use a wheelchair for any long walks, but continue to walk in the house. I was just fitted for an AFO which has really helped me become more motivated and able to walk more. Yeh, because I was getting a little depressed with my inability to walk. I try to have a positive mindset and always keep pushing myself sometimes too much. How do you know when it is too much? I have had this disease for 5 years and still don't know the answer to that question. Sometimes I find myself not wanting to go places because it is such a hassle not only for me but for others. I was really sad yesterday when I thought about my upcoming non neuro yearly doctors appointment. Last year I walked into his office this year I'm going to have to use the wheelchair. How do others stay active and positive as this disease progresses?
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Trying to stay active - venting
Hey Becky, great post. I'll put this topic in our next newsletter, as I think it is important to address. It's also going to be a future article on the website or blog. As you might imagine, I've written it many times in my head--I just need to put it into words now. Hearing from others is helpful, too.
BTW, don't make too many assumptions on how mobile everyone here is; lots of us are gimpy. Like you, we just do our best.Dave Bexfield
Let's give ourselves some slack
Hi Becky! I have had MS for over half my life, however, I was not diagnosed until April 14, 2007, (the anniversary of the Titanic sinking). I think we MSers need to cut ourselves some slack, as we are way harder on ourselves than most other people would be. I struggle with being a recovering-Perfectionist, as My Neurologist even told me I was stressing myself out over my wild imagination, which was leading to more and more MS issues! I like how Maya Angelou says "we do what we can, as we can. When we feel good, we do better. When we feel low, we do less."
Welcome, Becky!
And I agree that Maya's quote is worthwile to add to your daily inspirational tool boxIt rings so very true.
Also, I think that we all share that sense of loss, when some of our physical limitations get the best of us.
I try my best not to dwell on it too much, and move (or shall we say 'stumble') forwardCertified Life Coach
RRMS - D/X 2007
Hi Becky! grieving is a natural part of MS, so don't beat yourself up over feeling ick about this disease. My philosophy is much like Maya Angelou's quote. I do what I can and what I can't either gets put off til I feel up to it or til I get my SO to do it lol. I do push myself too hard, and trust me you'll know if you've push too hard lol. My body just stops working if I've gone over that point of too much and I either need to sit down or I'm falling down. But seriously, don't feel bad about what you can't do, focus instead on what you CAN!
Hi Becky
I am also struggling with how much I can do. It seems to be unpredictable and varies from day to day and hour to hour. I'm doing my best to listen to my body but it can be pretty tricky. I am also having problems walking too far. I don't like to give in but my body doesn't give me a choice. I try to work around it as much as possible and try not to think too much about the things I can't do! There are a lot of things I can't do now that I could do not too long ago! I hope you are doing well!!