Larry, not only do I think your idea NOT dumb, but actually right on. One season several years ago I started on a new bike with new computer. I was so frustrated for half the season as I felt I was doing hard rides, but the numbers didn't agree with me. I felt defeated for almost every ride and just didn't know why I couldn't push it.... Well, found out the thing wasn't properly calibrated... Got it fixed, and Voila, I WAS riding strong all that time. Taught me to not look and only pay attention to my body talking to me
No announcement yet.
MSers Training in 2014
Larry, I agree with Veronica- not a crazy idea at all. I have also found that looking down at the computer keeps me from breathing well. I need to have my chest lifted to take good, deep breaths.
This mental defeat issue is amazingly powerful. I have identified several variations on this theme:
1. I need to save myself in case there is (fill in the blank) ahead.
2. I need to avoid wearing myself out so I can get home. (When have I not been able to get home???)
3. If my heart rate gets above (x) I will wear out. (It turns out that all of the information I had about lactate threshold, etc, wasn't accurate for me on a road bike. It applied to a trainer or spin bike)
4. I can't ride in this heat/ at this pace/ on these hills, etc
5. I might as well drop now, I can never keep up for the whole ride.
Recently I have been trying the approach- If I haven't died yet, keep pedaling. If I do die, I won't have to worry about it. Someone else will have to figure out how to get me home.
We aren't the only ones with this issue. My DH is recovering from knee surgery and is struggling with this big time. He experienced the technical malfunction issue as well. His heart rate wouldn't go above 140 no matter how hard he worked. He spent tons of time on the internet and determined that he might have a heart problem. Then he changed his heart rate strap and his heart rate went up to 160.
Yeah, I think the jury is in, stop paying constant attention to the computer. Went for an 80 mile ride Saturday, hid the computer, did the ride in 5:20 saddle time. That's probably the fastest I've ever done 80 miles. Unfortunately, my HRM cratered. I really would have liked to see the post ride heart rate data. Although I could have gone further, I was struggling for the last 10 miles at anything but an easy pace. Like you said, we always make it through though.
Got 190 miles last week. Ready to start cutting back on the distance now. Colorado MS 150 is in 10 days and I want to be in good shape for the century and its whopping steep little hills on day one.
Another item of interest: Always carry a dollar bill with you on your rides. I had heard that if you damage a tire, like sometime happens with a pinch flat, you might be able to fold a dollar bill up, insert it inside the tire to cover the damaged area, put your new tube in and pump it up and it will probably get you home. It worked for me on Tuesday although I took it pretty easy, especially in the corners.
Pell, Condolences on DH's knee, interested in how that all turns out. I'm probably facing a little body work myself eventually.
Everyone doing well? Feels like mother nature is about to turn up the heat.
LarryLast edited by AMFADVENTURES; 06-18-2014, 10:36 PM.
As predicted, the heat arrived
Today was the third of 4 century rides I plan to do this year- the Preservation Pedal Century ride. The day before I rode 29 miles and thought I wasn't going to be able to finish the ride due to the heat. That was a good learning experience and I made some changes to my plan.
This morning I took a COLD shower, drank ice water while driving to the ride, drank ice water during the ride and poured ice water over my head and down my shirt at each rest stop after it heated up and the fog burned off. I never felt as bad as I did on Friday and I finished fairly strong. There was over 6000' of elevation change so we were climbing or descending the whole ride. My husband bailed on me half way through, after we had dropped off the back of the group we were riding with. I got to ride alone for 50 miles.
I did a lot of work on my attitude and thoughts. When riding into a head wind, I thought about how it was cooling me. I kept comparing how I felt to the day before and was happy that I didn't feel awful. I enjoyed the views and generally had an pleasant day- at least for the first 70-80 miles. After that, the rear began to insist that riding a bike for 100+ plus miles is a very poor plan and the heat became unbearable. For the last 20 miles I spent way too much time watching the odometer.
My final conclusion is that I need to lose 15# to improve my climbing. Anyone have any tips on how to lose weight and still ride hard and train?
PS, candy bar wrappers work almost as well as dollar bills.
Way to go Pell, I needed to hear that. I was just beginning to question how badly I really want to do the century in the upcoming MS 150. The answer is, don't think about it, just do it. About loosing those 15 lbs., there's an app for that. If you're running an android, one of my buddies swears by S health.
I've had a change of bike buddies this year. The Hot Blond Yoga Chick threw a bad punch at martial arts practice and blew her wrist up, she's off the bike for the foreseeable future. Fortunately along came "The Bullet". "The Bullet" is an ex time trial-er who took a couple years off to get married, buy a house and have twins, but is ready to get back into cycling again and for some strange reason, picked this old MSer to do it with. I'm not sure how keen she is about the century though, and she's always giving me grief about climbing (as she powers past me up those "death-by-bike" hills) but, hands down, hers is the wheel you want in a headwind. In her own words, she was made to ride a bike, so we'll be doing the MS 150 together this year, "death-by-bike" hills and all I hope.
I got 150 miles in last week. It included a mountain ride with the team, 28 miles and 4,100 ft. uphill one way, 58 miles round trip. I was one of only a handful of teammates to even attempt the whole thing, actually, I was the last one - by 30 or 40 minutes, but I made it. "The Bullet" wasn't there.
TM, how's the swimming? Only a little over a month until your team tri right?
LW, I plan to join you on the hiking after the MS ride. The Hot Blond Yoga Chick says she'll go with me. We'll have to see if she's really got the patience for that.
Veronica, did you get your trike yet?
Marina, getting any time in? I'm betting there will be quite a few more trikes on the MS ride this year, I'll let you know.
Hi all,
Summer is finally here. I leave for Cape Breton in less than a week. I'm so looking forward to ocean swimming. The first swim is the end of July. This winter's and spring's training has really paid off. I'm in better shape than usual at this time of year.
Larry and Pell, your rides are truly inspirational. I've been following the discussion about using the computer (or not) to guide you. Having had my own struggles with similar issues, I'm learning to put them aside and enjoy the process of getting from A to B. It makes for a richer experience and I think ultimately sends a more positive message to our bodies. When constantly pushing, measuring and comparing, I think it tells our bodies we are not satisfied with it's performance.
In the meantime I have rather astronomical deadlines to meet before departure.
How's training going for everyone else?
Take care all,
Teena Marie
Checking in here, I love reading everyone else reports. They are very inspirational.
I am getting out and about of the trike, and also using it in my trainer. All told I think I have about 60 trainer miles and 120 road/trail miles on the thing.
I am loving the freedom to ride again. My only complaint is that any slight include is hard for me....but on the upside even if I need to slow down I wont fall over.
Here are some pictures Steve took of me yesterday on it.
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Hi my new training buddies: No trike yet, but it is "T (trike) minus 1 or 2" has arrived at my dealer's and we just need to coordinate my going there to get it.( An hour away) I am hoping to hear he is good with me going by tomorrow early evening if we don't get thunderstorms messing up my plans..if not, then Thursday....and I feel a "fever' coming on for Friday......cycling fever that is!
I am NOW greatly enjoying all the training info from you all, and your stories. When I was struggling with the limitations of the two wheeler, I got glum just reading what you all are, I feel I can get my own stories going again... Don't think I will be doing any MS 150s this year, but hey, maybe next year!! Gotta find a male equivalent to your Hot Blond Yoga chick, Larry....
Marina, I love the pics!! Your trike looks very different than mine, which has three very little (16") big one like yours. And you put it on your trainer? I have a Rock and Roll Kinetic trainer that I love for my two wheeler... wondering if my little wheel trike would fit on this.....
Have fun with the start of ocean swimming season Teena Marie, and I am impressed with Pell's and Larry's are encouraging me, for sure.
I'll let you know how trike training goes!Be thankful. Dream Big. Never Give Up.
I won a round against "mental defeat" myself last Saturday and got out on my bike. For the first time since Dx in 2010 and a disastrous pre-Dx ride I rode my bike. It was only 10 miles, but it was 10 (mostly)delirious miles.
I didn't die and like Pell said, someone would have collected me - with a big smile on my face - if I did!
I don't know about this year's MS Waves to Wine ride in September, but it isn't out of the question ..... in my mind!
That is awesome to hear LivWell!
Veronica - I have a Kinetic and the trike goes on it just fine, I just need 2 of the blocks in front for the wheels. Here's a photoI am thinking though that you might need to remove the rock and roll part of it? I am not too sure how that works.
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Veronica, I hope you have your trike now. It is very exciting. Let us know how you are doing. The trike should be fine on the rock and roll Kinetic. I have one and it works the same as the photo Marinadca posted.
LivWell- excellent. 10 miles is great and now you have beaten our biggest enemy- our minds. Keep at it and you will be riding everywhere.
I continue to struggle with my mind. I am getting discouraged that I can't ride hills better and that I am not faster. As a result, I am disappointed with most rides and really push myself. I need to get back to having fun.
Keep riding everyone.
Ready or Not
MS 175 here we come. Had to enlist the help of the Hot Blond Yoga Chick to convince the Bullet that the century was a piece of cake. The Bullet’s in, a good thing for me in case of headwinds. The Bullet can part a 30-MPH headwind like Moses parted the Red Sea. All I have to do is try to hang on, and survive the heat that’s in the forecast.
TM, I’m believing in and enjoying the mind-body connection, which you frequently allude to, more and more. I plan to do most of this ride mind-body instead of wasting energy on the computer. It seems to add a whole other dimension to the experience.
Pell, want to do some hill intervals together on the forum? One of my buddies is using a trainer to prepare for a competitive hill climb this summer. I’m sure we can put together a modified program that will increase both of our hill climbing skills to a more comfortable level based on his experience. We’ll each need a good hill, at least a mile long and 6 to 8 % grade, and for this, we’ll need the computer. I’ve got my hill picked out.
LW, Waves to Wine is on my radar too. Let me know what you decide about that. There’s a chance I could get there this year.
Marina, looking good on that trike! And those roads/trails, gorgeous!
Veronica, can’t wait to start hearing some stories. Hope the Trike arrived!
Dave, any new news on the trike front?
Stay Safe,
I have my trike, and have my grin on!! I got it Wednesday evening, and today I played hooky as I planned to, and took it to a place where I haven't been able to ride in probably 14-15 years.....a very hilly cemetery...Kenisco Cemetery in Valhalla. I used to go there to train for hill climbing and it always served me well....never much traffic, just peace and quiet and good steep hills....So I went back and man did I have fun!!! Not much speed or miles to talk about here, but if there was a hill in front of me, or to the side, I just took it....albeit very slowly, but I don't mind at all.... I just got back something that MS robbed from me, and boy does it feel good. I am elated, to say the least! Also loved the relief I felt when approaching my car and not coming in for what used to always be a modified crash landing.... And all that talk about computers that has been going on here? Well, I completely forgot to get mine on the trike, so I just did a MapMyRide thing on the iPhone, stuck it in the pannier, and only looked at it when I got back in the car.....very glad I didn't have that info glaring me in the face! This ride was only about No Limitations on climbing, and if I had seen the pitiful speed I was going, I know it would have factored into my pure joy.... I'll work on that another day! The trike is very responsive....makes nice little tight turns, and really is so much fun.
Today was also about doing a shakedown over how it is to load and unload this from my car, and fold it up. Now Greenspeed has one flaw that I am aware of.....the difficult way they have you detach and attach the seat from the trike when folding it. It is secured with a bolt under the seat and is ridiculously difficult to get this lined up....I knew this coming into purchasing, so I was prepared. I figured if this was the only anxiety I felt when anticipating a ride, it was well worth it.... So I worked on solutions for that, and even brought a folding foot rest so I could sit comfortably while working on it. For loading it into the car, the difficulty was that while I could lift the weight of it, I was concerned about my balance after a ride and my ability to pivot and side step to put it in the vehicle without support of my cane.....So I solved THAT problem by using the ramps I use to load my Segway into the beautifully ...... looks weird as Hell, but hey whatever works..... I've attached a photo of the trike ready to be pushed up into the car, and one of just the little front of a mausoleum .....
So this weekend, I plan on going out both days with very distinct agendas....Tomorrow it is to go on a trail I haven't been on in awhile, to work on distance and speed abit, and just have the wonderful experience of No Stress when needing to stop to cross a populated road, and Sunday I am just biking (triking?) with a friend who doesn't ride much at all, but now I can just easily give her some guidance as we ride without being so concerned about my own crashing and burning....
So I am back in the world again......
Pell, cycling is just too much fun to get obsessed over one part of it....there's a way you can train for better hill climbing and not get yourself discouraged with the whole picture....I agree with Larry and Teena Marie about the mind-body element. LivWell, so happy to hear you have your mind set on a wonderful goal..... and Marina, I thought of you often on my Ride of Freedom today....what a relief, huh?
One little PS about Kensico....this is where Babe Ruth, Billy Martin, Danny Kaye and a whole lot of other celebrities are buried.....I will have to work on finding where they are, while cycling, just for kicks.Be thankful. Dream Big. Never Give Up.
Great report on your new trike rides. It sounds like you have worked out most of the wrinkles and are really enjoying the rides. Great!
I rode 33 miles yesterday with a big group. Toward the end I got hot and discouraged. Mike dumped his water over my head which helped tremendously. I need to carry extra water just for this purpose. Anyway, we finished at 18mph for 33 miles and I managed to only look at my computer once. That did help and most of the ride I enjoyed.
Larry, yes, some type of training would be good. I don't have the ideal hill, but the Duncan hill will probably do. It does have areas that are flatter every so often and it is in the shade, so it is a good starting point. I want to progress to the "hard side" of Clifton hill that is steeper. I seem to be able to do 5-6% without too much trouble. My issues are with steeper, but if I get stronger, everything will be better. I am not having much luck with weight loss....
I have backed off a bit with my riding-only rode 115 miles this week compared to 265 the week before. Thursday night I skipped a ride and went to yoga. I really needed that to stretch some hip flexor issues. How many miles do you think I need to ride to at least preserve my fitness?
This awesome Veronica!!! We don't get stuff back often, I love my trike and am so happy that your's is providing that same thing for you!
I know what you mean about reading this thread, I am much more enthusiastic now that I can participate. Its hot and humid here so I am inside on the trainer. I am usually doing 10-12 miles at a time, which is torture of a trainer. But at least I can watch some crap TV
Steve and I will go out for a ride tomorrow, so that should be fun.