Dave, do you know if there are retail locations to try out these forearm crutches? My PT this year had me try walking sticks to see how I did, and I exerted a lot of energy swinging. Although it helped my balance, my arms got incredibly fatigued and my core started to falter. Also it wasn't able to let me shift enough weight from my hips to pole. PT said forearm crutch allowed for better transfer of weight and would help take pressure of my my weak hip flexors and core but she said they generally don't like to prescribe forearm crutches to someone who can stand unassisted and has leg movement to walk because they think walking sticks are better. I went to medical supply store to try a forearm crutch and all they had was a very clunky utilitarian type forearm model. The sales person adjusted the height for me but it felt very awkward and it didn't seem like it would make me more mobile.

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