Weird year - pools gyms still closed here, social gathering restrictions still in effect, Winnipeg is currently the COVID hotspot in north america per capita infection rates so re-opening plans still in limbo.....but I have managed to find a silver lining....horses and their care and exercise is considered essential so I have been able to continue horse back riding and have been training in dressage (think of it as compulsory figures in figure skating - no jumping) and even participated in a para (disability) dressage video competition where we submitted videos to be judged. I won my division
haha! Nothing fancy, but a good way to stay motivated during these strange times.
Had a strong reaction to the COVID vaccine that had me feeling blah and even a bad bought of vertigo, just getting back into the groove again. Nice weather helping too.
Starting to get out on the bike, commuting to work here and there and rides with the hubby....
Take care all

Had a strong reaction to the COVID vaccine that had me feeling blah and even a bad bought of vertigo, just getting back into the groove again. Nice weather helping too.
Starting to get out on the bike, commuting to work here and there and rides with the hubby....
Take care all