So Laura is now back to riding her mountain bike instead of my old trike, as it is both faster and drives up her HR easier. BUT now she is leaving me in the dust temporarily. The reason? I managed to the damage my shifter because I'm a klutz. And by "damage" I mean break. The upshift doesn't work without serious massaging; I can only downshift. So I essentially have ONE gear until it is fixed. A problem with any bike, including e-bikes. I picked something in the middle, meaning I can still crank without boost, but it's hard. With boost on level one, cranking becomes pretty easy, but not so easy that I just spin (unless going downhill).
Long story short, my rides the last couple of weeks have been relatively short and flat. Thankfully, all gets fixed Monday! Hopefully.
Susannah, what a recap! Larry, what's your VO2 Max??
Long story short, my rides the last couple of weeks have been relatively short and flat. Thankfully, all gets fixed Monday! Hopefully.

Susannah, what a recap! Larry, what's your VO2 Max??