A member email me this question and I thought I would answer it here and also toss it to the group for additional advice. -D
First, thank you so much for your newsletters and your positive, uplifting attitude! You always make me laugh.
I’m intrigued by your continued confidence in exercise to help MS fatigue and wonder, ‘am I doing it wrong?’. I walk the dogs once or twice a day, lift weights twice a week, do 2, 20-minute HIIT bike rides a week and one 30-minute cardio ride once a week. On my exercise days the fatigue still reliably wipes me out sometime in the early afternoon. Do you think I’m going at it wrong or am I just an outlier?
Thank you so much for all that you do
I’m intrigued by your continued confidence in exercise to help MS fatigue and wonder, ‘am I doing it wrong?’. I walk the dogs once or twice a day, lift weights twice a week, do 2, 20-minute HIIT bike rides a week and one 30-minute cardio ride once a week. On my exercise days the fatigue still reliably wipes me out sometime in the early afternoon. Do you think I’m going at it wrong or am I just an outlier?
Thank you so much for all that you do