Exercise protects from hippocampal inflammation and neurodegeneration in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
Author links open overlay panelFrancesca RomanaRizzoa1LiviaGuadalupiab1KriziaSannaaValentinaVannibDiegoFresegnabFrancescaDe VitocAlessandraMusellabdSilviaCaiolicSaraBallettaaSilviaBullittaabAntonioBrunoacEttoreDolcettiacMarioStampanoni BassicFabioButtaricLuanaGiliocGeorgiaMandolesibdDiegoCentonzeacAntoniettaGentileb
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbi.2021.08.212Get rights and content
•Running wheel ameliorates motor disability and cognitive performance in EAE mice.
•Exercise prevents the loss of parvalbumin-positive interneurons in the EAE hippocampus.
•Abnormal synaptic plasticity in EAE CA1 area is corrected by exercise.
•Exercise reduces microgliosis and inflammation in the CA1 area of EAE hippocampus.
Exercise is increasingly recommended as a supportive therapy for people with Multiple Sclerosis (pwMS). While clinical research has still not disclosed the real benefits of exercise on MS disease, animal studies suggest a substantial beneficial effect on motor disability and pathological hallmarks such as central and peripheral dysregulated immune response. The hippocampus, a core area for memory formation and learning, is a brain region involved in MS pathophysiology. Human and rodent studies suggest that the hippocampus is highly sensitive to the effects of exercise, the impact of which on MS hippocampal damage is still elusive.
Here we addressed the effects of chronic voluntary exercise on hippocampal function and damage in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), animal model of MS. Mice were housed in standard or wheel-equipped cages starting from the day of immunization and throughout the disease course. Although running activity was reduced during the symptomatic phase, exercise significantly ameliorated motor disability. Exercise improved cognition that was assessed through the novel object recognition test and the nest building in presymptomatic and acute stages of the disease, respectively. In the acute phase exercise was shown to prevent EAE-induced synaptic plasticity abnormalities in the CA1 area, by promoting the survival of parvalbumin-positive (PV+) interneurons and by attenuating inflammation. Indeed, exercise significantly reduced microgliosis in the CA1 area, the expression of tumour necrosis factor (TNF) in microglia and, to a lesser extent, the hippocampal level of interleukin 1 beta (IL-1β), previously shown to contribute to aberrant synaptic plasticity in the EAE hippocampus. Notably, exercise exerted a precocious and long-lasting mitigating effect on microgliosis that preceded its neuroprotective action, likely underlying the improved cognitive function observed in both presymptomatic and acute phase EAE mice.
Overall, these data provide evidence that regular exercise improves cognitive function and synaptic and neuronal pathology that typically affect EAE/MS brains.
Graphical abstract

Author links open overlay panelFrancesca RomanaRizzoa1LiviaGuadalupiab1KriziaSannaaValentinaVannibDiegoFresegnabFrancescaDe VitocAlessandraMusellabdSilviaCaiolicSaraBallettaaSilviaBullittaabAntonioBrunoacEttoreDolcettiacMarioStampanoni BassicFabioButtaricLuanaGiliocGeorgiaMandolesibdDiegoCentonzeacAntoniettaGentileb
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbi.2021.08.212Get rights and content
•Running wheel ameliorates motor disability and cognitive performance in EAE mice.
•Exercise prevents the loss of parvalbumin-positive interneurons in the EAE hippocampus.
•Abnormal synaptic plasticity in EAE CA1 area is corrected by exercise.
•Exercise reduces microgliosis and inflammation in the CA1 area of EAE hippocampus.
Exercise is increasingly recommended as a supportive therapy for people with Multiple Sclerosis (pwMS). While clinical research has still not disclosed the real benefits of exercise on MS disease, animal studies suggest a substantial beneficial effect on motor disability and pathological hallmarks such as central and peripheral dysregulated immune response. The hippocampus, a core area for memory formation and learning, is a brain region involved in MS pathophysiology. Human and rodent studies suggest that the hippocampus is highly sensitive to the effects of exercise, the impact of which on MS hippocampal damage is still elusive.
Here we addressed the effects of chronic voluntary exercise on hippocampal function and damage in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), animal model of MS. Mice were housed in standard or wheel-equipped cages starting from the day of immunization and throughout the disease course. Although running activity was reduced during the symptomatic phase, exercise significantly ameliorated motor disability. Exercise improved cognition that was assessed through the novel object recognition test and the nest building in presymptomatic and acute stages of the disease, respectively. In the acute phase exercise was shown to prevent EAE-induced synaptic plasticity abnormalities in the CA1 area, by promoting the survival of parvalbumin-positive (PV+) interneurons and by attenuating inflammation. Indeed, exercise significantly reduced microgliosis in the CA1 area, the expression of tumour necrosis factor (TNF) in microglia and, to a lesser extent, the hippocampal level of interleukin 1 beta (IL-1β), previously shown to contribute to aberrant synaptic plasticity in the EAE hippocampus. Notably, exercise exerted a precocious and long-lasting mitigating effect on microgliosis that preceded its neuroprotective action, likely underlying the improved cognitive function observed in both presymptomatic and acute phase EAE mice.
Overall, these data provide evidence that regular exercise improves cognitive function and synaptic and neuronal pathology that typically affect EAE/MS brains.
Graphical abstract
