Hey Everyone. I'm so glad I found this website. I've been on another, which is good - but I wouldn't feel right posting about going back to the gym when so many people go on how they can't anymore. So I feel good sharing here with a group who are able/trying to stay active.
My first attack happened during my workout in January, not even 2 months ago. It started with a tingling in my feet and spread to my whole body. I feel reasonably good, though of course, not as good as I used to.
HOWEVER. Today I returned to the scene of the crime and did a mild work out with a very large fan and stopped when I felt a little extra tingling. I don't quite have the feeling of well-being I used to get from a work out, but it's early days, isn't it?
One of the guys at the counter - a great guy who greets every person, young/old/large/small with genuine respect, asked me where I'd been. I came over to him and whispered silently about what had happened to me, that I have MS. I teared up a little when I got outside; it's still that fresh.
I'm shooting up Avonex, doing the VitaminD, going to start V12 and lowering fat and losing weight (not that my diet wasn't already pretty good), but I have more work to do.
I'm so glad there is an active group here. I can see how easy (I did it for a week) it can become to stay in bed all day and feel sorry for yourself.
I don't know what the future holds, but I can expect I'll need support in the future. But for now, I just wanted to share this with all of you. We need to get the word out for this site too. I've posted links on other sites.
My first attack happened during my workout in January, not even 2 months ago. It started with a tingling in my feet and spread to my whole body. I feel reasonably good, though of course, not as good as I used to.
HOWEVER. Today I returned to the scene of the crime and did a mild work out with a very large fan and stopped when I felt a little extra tingling. I don't quite have the feeling of well-being I used to get from a work out, but it's early days, isn't it?
One of the guys at the counter - a great guy who greets every person, young/old/large/small with genuine respect, asked me where I'd been. I came over to him and whispered silently about what had happened to me, that I have MS. I teared up a little when I got outside; it's still that fresh.
I'm shooting up Avonex, doing the VitaminD, going to start V12 and lowering fat and losing weight (not that my diet wasn't already pretty good), but I have more work to do.
I'm so glad there is an active group here. I can see how easy (I did it for a week) it can become to stay in bed all day and feel sorry for yourself.
I don't know what the future holds, but I can expect I'll need support in the future. But for now, I just wanted to share this with all of you. We need to get the word out for this site too. I've posted links on other sites.