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What does it feel like to experience a Lyme disease relapse? (Chapt 15)

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  • What does it feel like to experience a Lyme disease relapse? (Chapt 15)

    I’ve covered MS relapses extensively on ActiveMSers. (Indeed, a quick search revealed 30 pages alone where it’s been mentioned.) When a multiple sclerosis relapse strikes, it strikes without warning. And it is always a shocker. But while it may seem like your world is collapsing, there's something you need to remember. To lighten the day, laugh with me on these two memorably entertaining videos:

    What You Absolutely Must Know About MS Relapses:

    Another relapse video starring my nephew and an ornery dinosaur:

    More relapse info on ActiveMSers:

    There's just one wee problem. Those weren't MS relapses. But can you tell the difference?

    Dave Bexfield

  • #2
    Dave, I am looking forward to reading the next chapter, Jenga. As I read each chapter, upon its release each Wednesday, I like to envision you as recovering and improving in health. I see you getting stronger, standing, walking, and making some gains in recovery. As your Lyme disease diagnoses was made far too late for full recovery (I'll join you in that camp! ) there can be gains once you are on a heavy, Lyme-appropriate antibiotic. I like to think my imagination is correct and you really are gaining strength and mobility!

    Okay, still waiting to read, Jenga with my afternoon coffee.


    • #3
      From the most recent entry, Jenga.

      The swollen knee? “Injury.” The dramatically elevated heart rate? “Stress from the MS diagnosis.” The painful wrist? “Tweaked.” The tick and the rash? “Misremembering.”
      When dealing with medicine and medical doctors we must remember one thing - they only have two things that can possibly help you:

      1. Drug you
      2. Cut you

      And I mean that in the kindest way. But, really and truly, if your affliction can't be fixed by drugs or surgery then medical doctors can't help you. Let that sink in for a while. And when their potions don't cure you they look at the patient as the failure, the hypochondriac, the problem. Instead of taking a step back and really looking at the situation and admitting that they just....don't...know..... or that the system is flawed (testing) they deflect blame onto the "crazy" patient. Doctors are purported to be the "all-knowing" when it comes to the human body. Imagine how humbling it must be to a doctor to not know why a patient isn't getting better. Why their recommendations and treatment protocols have failed. They've failed. They don't KNOW how to "fix" you. It takes a pretty big person (MD) to admit that and investigate further. And, most won't.

      Drug ya' or cut ya'.....that's all they've got. So they had better find the correct ailment for those drugs or you, as a patient, is so screwed.
      Last edited by Pistachio; 08-24-2022, 04:29 PM.

