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Chapter 36 is coming soon (really!)
Thanks for the update, Dave. This is something I am looking forward to and can't wait to see it! Keep up the good work. I hope you are making progress with your Lyme problem and finding Doctors who are knowledgeable in this discipline. Oh, and willing to stick their (insert appropriate body part) out to treat it.
Have you ever heard of anyone in the Lyme Abyss who has had pulmonary problems? For the last 3-4 months I have had some kind of bronchitis, am short on breath and tire out faster than the proverbial speeding bullet. My Dr. has given me 1 month rounds of 3 antibiotics and it just won't get any better. I was on an antihistamine for a month, too. No joy. With my tendency toward high blood pressure, it was the only thing I could take - no decongestants. My Dr. also gave me a referral to a Pulmonary Specialist but the earliest they could get me in is Nov. 8! And people think that Canadian socialized medicine is bad? The only way to get treatment fast is to hit the ER and hope they call in a specialist. FUBAR.
Any suggestions in the meantime?
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Chapter 36 is coming soon (really!)
In recent weeks you’ve probably been questioning my definition of “mid-summer.” I had hoped to release Sit Down Before Reading’s pivotal Chapter 36: The Bexfield Twist by now, and I’ve gotten more than a few emails checking in on yours truly to make sure I was still breathing. So, to Nicole, Kristin, Brian, Laura K, Laura S, another Laura, Paul, Wendy, and many others, the lungs are fully operational. This last chapter has proven to be far more challenging to write than anticipated (with far more twists). I’d love to promise a late summer September release, but now I only feel safe with saying that my target is Fall 2023. That’s because although I am more than three quarters finished, the end has taken on outsized importance. For it to change healthcare worldwide, which I believe it will, it must be bulletproof.
Look for an official release date announcement in September. Or October. Or maybe a touch later. It’s a monster read, more than 10 parts, and you aren't going to believe what is behind this final door. You'll be darn glad you stuck around.Tags: None
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