Neurourology and Urodynamics

Open Access
Lower urinary tract disorders in multiple sclerosis patients: prevalence, clinical features, and response to treatments
Silvia Seddone, Monia Marturano, Riccardo Bientinesi, Matteo Lucchini, Pierfrancesco Bassi, Massimiliano Mirabella, Viviana Nociti
First published: 03 June 2021
Lower urinary tract symptoms are common in multiple sclerosis (MS) and have a great impact on quality of life. We evaluated prevalence and characteristics of urological symptoms in a cohort of patients with MS.
This is a cross-sectional study conducted on consecutive patients with MS attending our Center in 2018. We evaluated prevalence, clinical features, and response to symptomatic treatments of lower urinary tract disorders; we investigated the relationship between them and clinical and demographic features. Data of urodynamic studies were also collected.
In our cohort of 806 patients, the overall prevalence of urological symptoms was 52.9% and urgency was the most frequent symptom (59.4%). Symptomatic patients had a higher disability, a longer disease duration, a later age at onset, and a greater mean age at the time of evaluation. Urinary disorders were more frequent in patients with progressive disease and in women. About 41.8% of patients were under treatment for the urological disorder and 81.5% of them reported an improvement of symptoms.
Urinary disorders in patients with MS have a high prevalence. An early and correct characterization of types of symptoms and an early and targeted therapeutic strategy are essential to improve the patient's quality of life and avoid future complications.

Open Access
Lower urinary tract disorders in multiple sclerosis patients: prevalence, clinical features, and response to treatments
Silvia Seddone, Monia Marturano, Riccardo Bientinesi, Matteo Lucchini, Pierfrancesco Bassi, Massimiliano Mirabella, Viviana Nociti
First published: 03 June 2021

Lower urinary tract symptoms are common in multiple sclerosis (MS) and have a great impact on quality of life. We evaluated prevalence and characteristics of urological symptoms in a cohort of patients with MS.
This is a cross-sectional study conducted on consecutive patients with MS attending our Center in 2018. We evaluated prevalence, clinical features, and response to symptomatic treatments of lower urinary tract disorders; we investigated the relationship between them and clinical and demographic features. Data of urodynamic studies were also collected.
In our cohort of 806 patients, the overall prevalence of urological symptoms was 52.9% and urgency was the most frequent symptom (59.4%). Symptomatic patients had a higher disability, a longer disease duration, a later age at onset, and a greater mean age at the time of evaluation. Urinary disorders were more frequent in patients with progressive disease and in women. About 41.8% of patients were under treatment for the urological disorder and 81.5% of them reported an improvement of symptoms.
Urinary disorders in patients with MS have a high prevalence. An early and correct characterization of types of symptoms and an early and targeted therapeutic strategy are essential to improve the patient's quality of life and avoid future complications.