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MSers Training in 2014

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    I love hearing about everybody's latest training endeavors. I know progress can seem excruciatingly slow at times but we're not just fighting to regain physical prowess, we're also trying to keep our brain mass stable and the rest of our neural function working.

    Pell, I might have mis-judged the Puye climb a bit. On further examination I see there is a 2 mile long segment of hill there that has an 800 foot elevation gain. That's more than I've ever climbed in just 2 miles. In an attempt to get a feel for it, I went to the steepest 2 mile climb within an hour of me and did it twice today. It was a little over 600 ft. and is about as tough a climb as I can do without stopping or walking, took me 22.5 minutes each time. New Mexico MS never ceases to challenge!

    Hey Veronica, I belong to the "been passed by runners" club, more than once actually and always on a hill. Pedaling a bike, or a trike, uphill is tough business. I'm sure your speed and distance WILL increase with time and training, personally, I think your doing great.

    TM, I've been trying something similar to your walking after a cold swim by taking fairly long breaks after very hard exertion. My thinking is to increase muscle strength before the neurons heat up too much then give them a fairly long break with some cooling therapy before doing it again. I think there is a good chance it will help the muscle tone and strength but only time will tell if there will be an accompanying improvement in neural control. It's what I've come up with since I seem to have hit a wall in strength over the last year or so, my new version of interval training.

    FYI, there were some interesting studies in the American College of Sports Medicine journal this month. Check out the study on Right ventricular fatigue, something that might affect a lot of endurance athletes about half way through a season I suspect.

    DAVE GOT A TRIKE!!!!!!! I can't wait to hear about the adventures. Will you bring it to Pedal los Pueblos?


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  • teena marie
    Hi all,

    Training has been a bit hit or miss. Interesting because I'm really going with how I feel. The swimming has been good. The water has cooled down which has been enormously helpful. One day recently, I had an exceptionally long swim. I got home and decided to walk up to a spot on my property where I have a small structure for ocean viewing. It's quite a long walk over rough terrain. It went really well. It made me realize the benefit of training after a cold swim.

    I was hoping for a beach to beach swim across the channel but the weather may not cooperate. However, there's still time before I leave so it may happen yet.

    Sounds like good riding Larry, Pell and Veronica.

    Take good care all,

    Teena Marie

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  • Veronica
    Hi all:
    Pell, sounds like your summer's temps have been like nice without the heat and humidity, huh? And happy to hear of your joy in single riding... that bike camp sounds like it was a wonderful thing to do....Hmm, I wonder if they have one for trikesters......

    I got the crank definitely stops my legs from just spinning without resistance, and has helped me increase my downhill and flat speed. And what I lost on the lowest gears I rarely have used. HOWEVER, my average speed is still pretty rotten. I am just gonna tough it out, and keep believing that it will increase with training and time. I don't have any need to be training for racing, but at my present speed none of my two wheeling friends will be able to ride with me without falling over! I was especially chagrinned this weekend when a RUNNER said "On you left...".... I was going up an incline, one of those little killer ones that creep up on you, but still...... This time of year, my work is very light, so I have been able to get out for a ride 2-3x weekly....variety of miles, but this too, gets me as my legs are toast much quicker than with the upright... Haven't been able to get over 18.5 miles. Usually at this time I am covering around 30. I have the NYC BikeMS ride on October 5 and am a bit concerned that the bus will "get me" if I don't get my speed up to 10 mph! I am laughing as I write this as I am really working on my attitude about this....

    Larry, the NM Bike MS route looks great. I believe I rode the stretch from Chimayo to Espanola so many years ago. You have such a beautiful area for riding out there.

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  • pawpaw
    Riding every chance I get

    It's great to read about all of the trike adventures. You are both doing an amazing job and will work out the minor kinks in time.
    This summer has been so cool that I have been able to continue to ride pretty strong. I am well over 2000 club miles so far this year and have one more century- will finish the season with 5- all on my single bike. I have gained so much confidence and have significantly improved my bike handling skills this year. I definitely enjoy riding the single bike more than I did prior to the Tucson training week.
    We have been riding the tandem a bit more lately. It is still my go to solution for really hot weather when I don't trust my strength. Mike has recovered to the point that he can now keep up with me- love it!
    The weekend we are organizing a donut ride- 45 miles round trip up to a great little donut shop in Paris, Kentucky.
    In terms of hydration and food- I have found that I have to push both water and food if I want to stay strong. I drink a bottle of water just prior to getting on the bike and eat at least a few Shot Bloks every 20 miles.
    Larry, I briefly entertained the possibility of joining you in NM, but it isn't in the cards this year.

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    Veronica, sounds like you're running mountain bike gearing on your trike. The good thing about that is that there is a wide range of optional setups for it. Did you get it changed?

    I've been riding 5 times per week lately, playing catch-up. Only got 135 miles in last week and only had one incredibly bad day where everything fell apart. And then, two days later on my first 1500 ft. climb since the restart, I had an incredibly good day. I think hydration was the key, so now I'm paying more attention to staying hydrated throughout the day. BTW, the 1500 ft. climb is the same one the USA Pro Challenge riders will be doing on the last stage of the series! I plan to be there on my bike! I think the spectators can try to follow them down after they pass.

    New Mexico MS has changed the second day route on the MS 150. Looks like this year we'll be going up to the Puye cliff dwellings, a bike ride that apparently only New Mexico MS can swing. I'm excited to see some new country, and the elevation profile looks quite a bit easier than Truchas! Now the only question is whether or not I'll be ready for the century. Here's the mapmyride profile on Puye:

    Everybody getting some time in?
    Last edited by AMFADVENTURES; 08-13-2014, 11:21 PM.

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  • Veronica
    How did I miss your post, Marina???? Anyway, I also very much enjoyed this story.... a trike to save the day, perfect!! I am also so impressed with your average speed.... I am still really I have to factor in that I don't have it in on a trainer..... I am at the incredibly slow speed of about 8 mph AVERAGE!! Mordifying!! And some rides it is even lower! I had a good chat with a two wheeler recumbent just today when riding, and he also said that it will take months to get the speed up....gave me some training hints, and agrees with me about what I have been thinking about my gearing. I have 24 speeds, three rings in the front....but find I am usually in the bigger ring in front for much of my ride, and when I want to crank it into a higher speed there are no gears left, and I just spin without enough resistance to get moving. So since he concurred with my thoughts on it, I am bringing it in and have them put higher gears on it.... a bigger front ring....and see if they can leave the granny gear as it is.. At least that way I can up my average speed by going full out on the flats and downhills. Feels like I am cheaping on a test, but I'm gonna go for it....

    Larry, always happy to hear of your riding,
    and as for your technical info.....thank you...I always factor it into my rides....cadence, smoothness of the strokes.....I realize that when I was in my glory days of riding, I "just rode"....Now I really need to pay attention to the technical side of's gotta help...

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    Back in the saddle

    Finally got about 100 miles in last week, and it felt good. Except for a couple of rides with my grand children, I haven't been on the bike much in the last month but I enjoy these interludes. The re-start gives me a chance to work on the basics, like concentrating on a round pedal stroke, smoothing out those dead spots. Amazing how much more power that generates, especially on the hills. If only I could concentrate on it for more that a few minutes at a time. I'm also trying to keep my cadence up while keeping my heart rate down. It's surprising how much energy it saves and how little speed is lost, and it doesn't take nearly as much concentration.

    Well rats Dave, I was looking forward to riding with you a bit in this year's Pedal los Pueblos. Maybe it's just as well though, in light of my lack of training you'd probably ride off and leave me in the dust anyway. The century and Truchas are definitely questionable this year.

    Love the "Trike Saves Bike" story Marina, actually I love hearing ALL the trike news.

    TM, what's next and when? I assume you're having a fabulous time there.

    Later all,

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  • ActiveMSers
    FYI, trike still in the works, but went to back burner. Been crazy busy this month but working out almost every day. Today according to my HRM: 1:45 minute workout, 985 calories burned, 1:05 in the cardio zone, average heart rate 118.

    Following all the other posts, and they are damn inspiring!

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  • Marinadca
    It was a good weekend for riding. 15 miles on Friday, 22 of Saturday, 28 on Sunday (which has been my longest trike ride yet.)

    The ride on Saturday was kind of a disaster for my husband, Steve, on his 2 wheeled bike. A little over 4 miles in he popped a tire and need a new tube. Of course he'd left his tube back in the car, so back I went 8 miles roundtrip to get the tube. I do have to say it made me feel good to do the rescuing and not be the one needing rescuing this time!

    Then after another 6 miles he popped another tube and shredded the tire (we found out later that his breaks were slightly out of adjustment and had rubbed a hole in his tire!) and there was no saving that. So he to ride the bike with a dead front tire, to a BBQ joint a few miles ahead. Somehow I had lost him and arrived at the place 10 miles before he did and had to wait for him (he was going slower to save his wheel) and folks there were laughing that the trike was waiting for the 2 wheeled road bike to catch up. From there he left me at the place and took my trike to the get the car ( The trike goes on the roof and I cannot do this) and then come get me. I guess I must have been motivated to get that tube as this was my fastest average for a trike ride at 14.8.

    I hate hills though, still!

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    Congratulations TM, sounds like that one might have been a little dicey but the training must have paid off. I also loved the salute. Cool place.


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  • Marinadca
    Originally posted by teena marie View Post
    Hi all,

    The triathlon was today. I'm the swimmer as part of a team. The sea was pretty high. But the wind was in our favour. At first, I had some doubts about being able to complete it. I kept my focus on breathing and counting strokes, while keeping my eyes tracking a stationary object on shore. It was a challenge to find the right position. Too close to shore and I risked getting tossed onto the beach. Too far out could have been problematic getting back in. I didn't care that I came in last. I was so happy to have completed the course and my time was better than last year. Plus, I was the oldest and the only one with a condition. The pictures I've attached are the start, finish and the victory salute after a grueling climb up the rocks to the finish line.

    Take care all, I love reading about everything that everyone does.

    Teena Marie
    Yay!!!!!!!!!! I love reading this and your pictures, the vistory salute is awesome!

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  • Veronica
    I am so thrilled for you Teena Marie! Seriously, I have been grinning since I read this and saw the pics.... What a satisfaction you must be feeling! Congratulations on are my new hero!!

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  • teena marie

    [ATTACH]tri 2014 030.jpg[/ATTACH]

    Some how coming in at the end didn't work
    Attached Files

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  • teena marie

    Hi all,

    The triathlon was today. I'm the swimmer as part of a team. The sea was pretty high. But the wind was in our favour. At first, I had some doubts about being able to complete it. I kept my focus on breathing and counting strokes, while keeping my eyes tracking a stationary object on shore. It was a challenge to find the right position. Too close to shore and I risked getting tossed onto the beach. Too far out could have been problematic getting back in. I didn't care that I came in last. I was so happy to have completed the course and my time was better than last year. Plus, I was the oldest and the only one with a condition. The pictures I've attached are the start, finish and the victory salute after a grueling climb up the rocks to the finish line.

    Take care all, I love reading about everything that everyone does.

    Teena Marie

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  • Veronica
    Hi all: I rode today, the same 19 miles as last week as I wanted to compare this ride with my MapMyRide workout from last week.... Well, it messed up somehow, and midway thru I checked and it was saying that my average speed was 555 mph!!! If someone was trying to make me feel good, they really overcompensated !!
    Marina: I like your name for the future creation...butt cozie is much nicer than what I called it!! Concerning road riding, I only have one short section of road riding with a very broad shoulder that I would do around here........I rode with the trike on country roads thru farms with a friend 80 miles north of here, and there it is easy to do so as there are so few cars....gotta watch for those chickens though..... big joke is "Why did the chicken cross the road?" "To get in my[bleeping] way!"

    Now jokes aside, I am not happy with my speed so far on the trike. This ride I just took used to be my little jaunt ride and I always ended strong. Well, with the trike, I am exhausted at the end, and during the ride, I really feel as if it is a workout the likes of which I haven't had in awhile. I am quite sure it is the adjustment to the recumbent position, and I am trying to not get crazed about this, but it is annoying me. I don't have the opportunity to bring the trike in and put it on the trainer in between weekend rides....that is just a logistical difficulty and would add more stress than it is worth, but I think I have to find a way to ride occasionally during the week in the late afternoon. Sometimes my work doesn't allow for that, but I am now thinking that I just have to take time off since this is so important for me and my.....Joie de Vivre....

    Teena Marie: I agree with Marina about your ability to swim. Outstanding!! I also have had difficulties trying to swim now, as without resistance in the water, my leg just flops around. Now I haven't addressed this as I am not looking to add swimming to my activities, but I know when I am just in a pool with friends, I need a floaty at all times!

    Hope you all have a good week...

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