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MSers Training in 2014

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  • Marinadca
    Originally posted by teena marie View Post
    Hi all,

    It sounds like you trikesters rule! I'm so happy it's going so well. I know the Butt Bra will help. When on my spin bike, I sometimes hold my hip/leg in place so an actual apparatus will help.

    Swim training is going well. The water could be a little cooler but since I'm in longer and longer, I don't get as chilled. I plan to start some interval training soon now that I'm in a good routine. I have also incorporated some serious kicking when in shallow water. I balance on my hands and do 100-200 kicks.

    Take care, all,

    Teena Marie

    That's awesome Teeny.

    I tried desperately to learn to swim correctly, I took a class, got a private coach, all that. I just could not coordinate the moving of my limps. This was the reason my triathalon dreams were dashed a few years back, of course now I ride a trike and those are not allowed anyhow so I couldnt do one even without the swim part.

    But I am jealous I think its fantastic exercise for MSers, though I was surprised you could sweat, even in the water!

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  • Marinadca
    Originally posted by Veronica View Post
    Marina, we sound like twins in Trikeland! Today when I rode, and overcompensated for the knee knock and hit my hand I thought of you! Actually my ride today was, I think, a turning point for me in terms of getting the hang of the trike. I had decided today was my riding day for the weekend. The weather has been threatening thunderstorms for the afternoon so I got out earlier than I usually would. That alone is a change for me, as with the two wheeler I was always procrastinating to get out there, and with the heat and humidity that we had today, I may have ditched it if not for the trike....I figured what the heck, what's the worse that's gonna happen.....I sweat, drink lots of water, and if I get pooped, I turn around and go back....never had to factor in the balance issue! So, I did a 19 mile run that I have always liked....basically all rail trail except for a small section on the open road that I especially like. Well, it WAS brutally hot and murky, but I focused on keeping the knee straight, and for the most part, except for the comment above, it worked out ok, not great, but doable. I also now see how I need to power thru with my hips/glutes instead of the quads, and this really helped me with increasing the speed. My PT suggested that I do some interval higher cadence for a minute or so every so often and this, too helped alot with giving me a higher average speed at the end of the ride. Did notice that once or twice the other knee edged inward I think I really need that adaptation which I am now referring to as a "Butt Bra"!!

    Something that has made me chuckle whenever I have been on the trike and riders pass by.....instead of the usual bikers "nod", I have had several people WAVE at me and say Hello! Makes me feel like I'm in parade!! Just very funny....

    How strange that my response to this did not post, maybe the cloud ate it?

    I am glad things are clicking for you, I am getting more comfortable on the trike as well. I am curious about this butt cozie sounding thing you were talking to your PT about. I have been paying more attention and the motion may be coming from weakness in my hip. I wonder if providing support for it will help matters any? It does seem to start when I get fatigued, Hmmm.

    I know what you mean by the people on the trail... I feel like I get a lot more attention and friendliness on the trike. Some people ask questions or try to encourage me (which is not always my favorite as I am a bit too prideful). Little kids are the funniest as they just seem fascinated by the thing. I imagine their parents told them they had to learn to ride without training wheels because adults had 2 wheeled bikes only and this thing proves them wrong. You can ride a trike as an adult

    Do you do any riding on the road? I dont do much but I find that most cars give me a super wide berth. Which I love. Now that 5% of drivers that are idiot jerks are another thing, but I think I encounter them less than on the 2 wheeled bike.

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  • pawpaw
    Beth- Congratulations on you half Ironman. That is an amazing accomplishment.

    Marina and Veronica- I too have a weakness in my right hip that can really mess up my riding. I am in a different riding position, but I find that relaxing my hip and paying attention to my position (hips back, back straight) helps a lot. A physical therapist also told me to do diagonal lunges which really help.

    Larry- I have been riding more hills, but not really doing the hill repeats properly. On the rolling hills, I can do successive hills as repeats. Tomorrow we are going on a ride with a fairly steep hill. We will see how I do. At least it will be cooler. A 7-8% hill is very admirable. I am almost stopped by a hill that steep.

    Sunday we did a 40 mile ride starting at 8am. I started to feel weak/lousy about 5 miles from the end. By the time we pulling into our driveway, my vision was reversed and I had trouble getting off my bike. I managed to get in the house and the cool air fixed everything. I am very glad I was home.

    I am further complicating everything by trying the Whole30 diet. It is anti-inflammatory and is supposed to reset your body. Right now it is sapping my strength, but I am going to push through. It may have had something to do with Sunday.

    For the next few weeks I am doing some travel- acting like a real person- so will have limited time on the bike.


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  • milesandtrials
    Thanks for the shout out Larry, and thank you for being out there to support me in my first half Ironman. I'm still kicking myself for not yelling out to you, I guess my brain works a little slower while riding the bike! Next up is the NM MS150 Ride (hope to see you there again) and then my first Ironman in November.

    It's great to read about what everyone else is doing this summer to stay healthy and moving. Keep up the great work!


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  • teena marie
    Hi all,

    It sounds like you trikesters rule! I'm so happy it's going so well. I know the Butt Bra will help. When on my spin bike, I sometimes hold my hip/leg in place so an actual apparatus will help.

    Swim training is going well. The water could be a little cooler but since I'm in longer and longer, I don't get as chilled. I plan to start some interval training soon now that I'm in a good routine. I have also incorporated some serious kicking when in shallow water. I balance on my hands and do 100-200 kicks.

    Take care, all,

    Teena Marie

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  • Veronica
    Marina, we sound like twins in Trikeland! Today when I rode, and overcompensated for the knee knock and hit my hand I thought of you! Actually my ride today was, I think, a turning point for me in terms of getting the hang of the trike. I had decided today was my riding day for the weekend. The weather has been threatening thunderstorms for the afternoon so I got out earlier than I usually would. That alone is a change for me, as with the two wheeler I was always procrastinating to get out there, and with the heat and humidity that we had today, I may have ditched it if not for the trike....I figured what the heck, what's the worse that's gonna happen.....I sweat, drink lots of water, and if I get pooped, I turn around and go back....never had to factor in the balance issue! So, I did a 19 mile run that I have always liked....basically all rail trail except for a small section on the open road that I especially like. Well, it WAS brutally hot and murky, but I focused on keeping the knee straight, and for the most part, except for the comment above, it worked out ok, not great, but doable. I also now see how I need to power thru with my hips/glutes instead of the quads, and this really helped me with increasing the speed. My PT suggested that I do some interval higher cadence for a minute or so every so often and this, too helped alot with giving me a higher average speed at the end of the ride. Did notice that once or twice the other knee edged inward I think I really need that adaptation which I am now referring to as a "Butt Bra"!!

    Something that has made me chuckle whenever I have been on the trike and riders pass by.....instead of the usual bikers "nod", I have had several people WAVE at me and say Hello! Makes me feel like I'm in parade!! Just very funny....

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  • Marinadca
    Thanks for sharing that with me Veronica, I am going to give that exercise a try. Can't hurt and I do some other stretches in that position anyhow.

    I have been paying more attention myself and think that the hip is a likely culprit as well, so that seat adjustment sounds very interesting. I wonder if it would help somewhat like a brace would?

    So how has the riding been going otherwise?

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  • Veronica
    Teena Marie.....what a beautiful place to train....and it sounds like you are having wonderful workouts....

    Marina....saw my PT today.....he agrees with me that the weakness for me is my right hip. He gave me an exercise, which I will describe for you below, but has concerns that it really won't be useful when I need that strength the most, after miles of riding that has fatigued my leg. He is suggesting something pretty wild.....a seat adjustment to maintain hip stability. He is suggesting that the part of the seat which supports my hip be contoured such that the hip itself is held more stable in place in regards to it medial and lateral stability. He described it as a "butt orthotic" (had a good laugh on that one!). We know a good "bikemeister" who may be able to work with us in developing such a thing.... but in the meantime, here is the exercise he is having me do. Lie on back and bend right knee. Put pillows behind head so I have good view of knee. Very slowly I am to move the knee 1 " to the right, then center, then 1" to left, keeping my eyes on the knee at all times, and keeping the movement under control. So I am starting this tonight..... Stay tuned....

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  • teena marie
    Here's the link to the Musmate site.

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  • teena marie
    Hi all,

    Training is going well. I haven't been doing any strengthening. Just climbing sand dunes in wicked heat and 2 swims a day seems to be enough. I've attached a picture of the bay where I train. I'm sharing it with a kayaker.

    Larry, the hiking sounds great. I use a bungee type cord called a Musmate to lift up my foot, especially on uneven terrain.

    Keep moving everyone!

    Teena Marie


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    Sorry, been MIA for a while, sick relatives, grand kids, life outside the bike. Speaking of the bike, I haven't been on it since the MS 150, seems I picked up a little heat rash and other bike saddle related problems which required some time off. But, I did go hiking. Had to drive to 10,000 ft. to escape the heat and only managed about an hour and a half on a rocky trail. Used two poles and went at a snails pace but genuinely loved getting back out into the mountains. Boy, you sure have to be careful with picking that lazy foot up and putting it back down or you could be picking up your teeth. It was truly fantastic though and I am going to do more.

    Glad to see you made it safe and sound TM and trust the storm passed without incident. What's the water temperature there now? I'm still thoroughly intrigued with that anomalous piece of North Sea beach you've found there.

    Marina, I wasn't going to wear an I ride with MS jersey either until I met a girl who felt it made a statement, "Don't count us out" just because we have MS. But there is no doubt, we each have to do what we're comfortable with. It is cool about all of the "I ride with MS" jerseys there though. I assume you rode, how was it?

    Pell, I've got my hills picked out, when I finally get going again I plan to do 5 X 5 X 5 intervals on a mile long 7% - 8% hill on Tuesdays. Thursday will be kind of a recovery/tempo ride and Saturday will be a longer hill climb at variable pace. Sunday will be whatever I can manage - maybe just down to the coffee shop.

    I forgot to mention that MilesandTrials just completed her first half ironman, congratulations Beth. I did go up and see her on the bike course where we sort of recognized each other but she was going so fast neither one of us had time to react. She turned in such an impressive time on the race that it even surprised her. "Don't count us out". Pretty cool Beth.

    Hope to be back on the bike soon,

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  • Marinadca
    Teeny - its awesome to hear that swimming all winter helped you. A strong core is so important.

    Larry - there were a lot of "I ride with MS" Jerseys at the local BikeMS ride this year, I am not sure about wearing one myself but it was great to see.

    As for me...this long weekend I got out 2 of the days for a total of 42 miles and 1500 feet of climbing. Not crazy numbers, but I am happy with it, as I am outside and getting back into cycling.

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  • teena marie
    Cape Breton

    Hi to all,

    I've arrived here on Cape Breton. I left Montreal in sweltering heat only to arrive here and it was hotter! It has made getting around pretty challenging despite alternating my 2 ice vests. I've only managed 1 ocean swim and it was delicious although the water is warming up too fast. I really felt the benefits of my swim training all winter. My core is much stronger and I feel much more streamlined in the water. Now we're getting the tail end of Hurricane Arthur so no swimming for a few days. I plan to do some strengthening exercises later.

    I'm loving all the posts. Congratulations Larry on a great ride. The trike posts from Veronica and Marina are inspirational. LivWell, on a bike-that's great. Pell, you're working hard-pat yourself on the back and good the bike computer is less in the forefront.

    Take care all,

    Teena Marie

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    Thanks Beth and Marina. I forgot to mention all of the other PWMS on bikes that I saw over those two days. It seems there are more and more each year. Perhaps web sites like ActiveMSers and MS centers like Rocky Mountain are really having a positive impact on the lives of people with MS by encouraging them to be and stay active. It's a wonderful thing to witness.

    Be Safe,

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  • Marinadca
    Sounds like a hard but great time Larry.

    Thanks for the report and for keeping your eye out for trikes

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