Originally posted by pawpaw
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I am not familiar with Lesmahagow but I looked it up in the map and it looks like it is just south of Glasgow and Edinburgh just about in between. When you mentioned Tandem, I immediately thought it was some high-tech excercise bike! Thanks for the clarification and photo. I am so sorry to hear that you had a bad reaction to Gileyna. Are you still taking it? I am due to go to the specialist for the first time where I suppose he will assess me and probably figure out what medication I need to go on in a couple of weeks. So part of me is looking forward to it and the other is not. I am still trying to come to terms with the diagnosis as part of me felt like it wasn't a "formal" diagnosis. Also have been trying to find out information through the internet about this disease as was basically sent away from the neurologist without any information and in a state of shock. There is a similar posh race like the Kentucky Derby in England called the Royal Ascot (where the Queen attends) and it lasts about three or four days and everybody dresses up. I've never been personally but have watched it on TV.
All the best,